Webkameleon features
Great template design
We created a lot of designs that you can use to build your own website. Our partners and developers daily add new projects and templates for your business. Templates are carefully designed and look great on any device. Try it!
Hosting included
You do not have to worry about hosting. The advantage of webkameleon is that you get a comprehensive service. The design, editorial system and web hosting in one box. It's all in one attractive price.
Fully Responsive & Bootstrap compatibile
Services created using the webkameleon look great on your computer, tablet and smartphone. As an editor you have available to preview the site in mobile version. You can quickly check if everything appears as it should.
Google friendly pages
For each page of your site, you can specify the title, keywords and description - taken into Google search engine. The simple way to put on your website Google Maps, Calendar and install Google Analytics statistics. The whole service will be able to archive to Google Drive.
Managing content and language versions
Webkameleon allows the user to prepare multiple language versions of the website. You can easily prepare foreign language versions based on the master version and use Google translate to help translate. Your offer can reach a wider audience.