Simple variables
Let's define a variable foo:
$foo = 'bar';
And then within a html contents you can use it:
<div>My name is <b>{foo}</b></div>
Such expression will result:
My name is bar
Arrays and objects
You can access arrays and objects using dots, for example:
$address = array('postal-code'=>'76102', 'city'=>'New York');
will be accessed:
Both arrays and objects can be nested, e.g.:
$config['cache']['timeout'] = 3600;
will be accessed:
If you require conditions you need to declare or not declare (if you want to use negative condition) in php scope. Then use if and endif expressions
$winter = true;
$summer = false;
And then in html
So, we have
{if:summer}summer <img src="summer.jpg" alt="summer"/>{endif:summer}
{if:winter}winter <img src="winter.jpg" alt="winter"/>{endif:winter}
{if:spring}spring <img src="spring.jpg" alt="spring"/>{endif:spring}
{if:fall}fall <img src="fall.jpg" alt="fall"/>{endif:fall}
So, we have winter
Negative conditions
You can always want to use negative condition addig ! sign to the expression. Important: you have to use the same negation sign to endif expression:
{if:!summer}We are not happy :-({endif:!summer}
Conditions with comparing
Conditions described above assume only true or false values. If you want to compare a variable to a constant you should use = sign:
{if:season=fall}Leaves are falling{endif:season=fall}
remember also to add the = sign to endif expression.
Of course it also works with negative comparition:
{if:!season=summer}Children go to school{endif:!season=summer}
You can also compare to more strings in OR convension
{if:season=(spring,summer)}I love {season}{endif:season=(spring,summer)}
Comparing to variables
You don't always want to compare variables to constatnts. Sometimes there is a need to compare variable to another variable
$foo = 'bar';
$a = 'bar';
In HTML use:
{if:foo=$a}My name is {foo}.{endif:foo=$a}
Default variables
If you don't know if a variable is defined then you can tell Smekta to use default value.
We have beatyfull {season?summer} this year.
Obviously if both variable and default value are not defined, the output will result the oryginal expression. So, if $season is not defined and you want to avoid displaying {season} in yout HTML output, put the question mark with empty default value
<input type="text" name="season" value="{season?}"/>
If your variable set is big and you want to have it ordered and devide it to array indexes, you can use with expression
$config['cache']['timeout'] = 3600;
$config['page']['title'] = 'webkameleon';
now you can access timeout variable as described in section Arrays and objects or
If you want to use loops in HTML scope you have to prepare an array with elements witch are also arrays indexed by field named
$people = array(
array('firstname'=>'John', 'lastname'=>'Smith'),
array('firstname'=>'Julia', 'lastname'=>'Clark'),
Present in HTML:
<th>First name</th>
<th>Last name</th>
Simple loops
Assume we have a simple array and you want to present its data
$address = array('postal-code'=>'76102', 'city'=>'New York');
Can be used as (key,value) representation. The expression {__loop__} represents the key and {loop} represents its value.
<li>{__loop__}: {loop}</li>
Special variables for loops
There are some predefined variables inside (or outside) loops user can find useful:
- {__index__}: iterating index starting from 1
- {__count__arrayName}: number of items in the array arrayName
- {first}: true if it is first element of the loop array
- {last}: true if it is last element of the loop array
Including files
If you have a HTML contents that is going to be multiplicated in the same code or diffrent codes, it is considerable to put it in other file and use {include:} expression
Functions and operators
User may want to use simple PHP functions to calculate ultimate values of variables used. To call a function, you shoul use | sign. The finction (if exists) will be called assuming the variable to be its first argument, e.g
My name is {name} (length of my name is {name|strlen})
Sometimes you would like to use more arguments, for example fisplay only 10 first characters of your name
Name: {name|substr:0,10}
First argument of the function substr is the variable (name), second and third are placed after : sign.
There are also possiblity to use simple operators like: +, -, *, / and %, for example
<div class="{if:__index__|%:2}odd{endif:__index__|%:2}">