Full list of variables definable in config.ini

In this article you will find detailed information of all posible variables you can define in the configuration file of your template


An array of files in a directory that web server treats as index. Note the first one will be used to build friendly links.

Default values: 

default.directory_index[] = "index.html"
default.directory_index[] = "index.php"


Tells Webkameleon what kind of code beautyfy algorithm should be taken during publication. Possible values are: none, strip, beautify. 

Default value: none 


Numeric value of the default level in body section where modules are placed after insert action. Levels are defined in level.body secion. If you want to define a separate default level for various page type use: webpage.type.N.level


Numeric value of the default level in header section where modules are placed after insert action. Levels are defined in level.header secion.


Numeric value of the default level in footer section where modules are placed after insert action. Levels are defined in level.footer secion.


Boolean value describing if the contents of header and footer should be diffrent in diffrent types of webpage. The value of true means that the contents will differ. Default value is false. 


An array of levels in the body part of webpage. Levels should be identified by positive integers. The identifiers of levels will be useful in other parts of template creation. There is an example of levels definition:

level.body.1 = 'main'
level.body.2 = 'container'
level.body.3 = 'left_column'
level.body.4 = 'right_column'


An array of levels in the header part of webpage. Levels should be identified by positive integers. The identifiers of levels will be useful in other parts of template creation. There is an example of levels definition:

level.header.101 = 'logo'
level.header.102 = 'menu'
level.header.103 = 'social'
level.header.104 = 'search'


An array of levels in the fotter part of webpage. Levels should be identified by positive integers. The identifiers of levels will be useful in other parts of template creation. There is an example of levels definition:

level.footer.201 = 'contact'
level.footer.202 = 'menu'
level.footer.203 = 'social'


Directory to which Webkameleon publishes subdirectory images of the template root and additional static files of widgets. 


Directory, to which Webkameleon publishes include files (PHP files).


Prefix to all webpage names of the website. Usefull feature when you maintain multilanguage website

path.pageprefix = "{if:!server.lang=$lang}{lang}/{endif:!server.lang=$lang}"

Smekta™ expression resulting "lang/" prefix if the language ($lang) is not equal to the default language of the website (server.lang)


Directory to which Webkameleon publishes all template files except template.exclude


Directory, to which Webkameleon publishes downloadable files like PDFs.


Directory to which Webkameleon publishes user's gallery. 


Comma separated list of root files of the template that will not be published by Webkameleon


Boolean value telling Webkameleon to redirect webages that have set attribute next to the page of the next value.

Default: true


The PHP file that should be included in the publicated webpage before any HTML begins. This file should be uploaded to your include directory


The PHP file that should be included in the publicated webpage after HTML ends. This file should be uploaded to your include directory

Boolean values helping webmaster limit variaty of changable options in edit page

webpage.show.title = true
webpage.show.description = true
webpage.show.keywords = true
webpage.show.bgcolor = true
webpage.show.class = true
webpage.show.background = true
webpage.show.type = true
webpage.show.next = true
webpage.show.prev = true
webpage.show.filename = true
webpage.show.menu_id = true
webpage.show.og_image = true
webpage.show.og_desc = true
webpage.show.head = true
webpage.show.logo = false



Boolean values helping webmaster limit variaty of changable options in edit module

webtd.show.title = true
webtd.show.menu = true
webtd.show.html = true
webtd.show.bgimg = true
webtd.show.bgcolor = true
webtd.show.align = true
webtd.show.valign = true
webtd.show.class = true
webtd.show.width = true
webtd.show.type = false
webtd.show.level = true
webtd.show.repeat = true
webtd.show.img = true
webtd.show.more = true
webtd.show.next = true
webtd.show.size = true
webtd.show.cos = true
webtd.show.costxt = true
webtd.show.staticinclude = true
webtd.show.valid = true
webtd.show.itemtype = true

Boolean values helping webmaster limit variaty of changable options in edit page

weblink.show.alt = true
weblink.show.alt_title = true
weblink.show.img = true
weblink.show.imga = true
weblink.show.href = true
weblink.show.ufile_target = true
weblink.show.variables = true
weblink.show.target = true
weblink.show.submenu_id = true
weblink.show.type = true
weblink.show.class = true
weblink.show.description = true
weblink.show.page_target = true

Array defining website types

webpage.type.0.name = 'H0ME'
webpage.type.0.filename = 'home.html'
webpage.type.0.level = 5

webpage.type.1.name = 'PAGE'
webpage.type.1.filename = 'page.html'

the 0 and 1 - positive integers - stand for website type identifier. In this case the default level for a page of type 0 equals 5.


Array defining module types

webtd.type.0.name = 'My special box'
webtd.type.0.filename = 'box.html'

webtd.type.1.name = 'My beautyful menu'
webtd.type.1.filename = 'menu.html'
webtd.type.1.menu = true;

the 0 and 1 - positive integers - stand for module type identifier.

All the dypes defined here will appear in the Insert->template defined menu of Webkameleon interface.

custom variables - webpage.user.*, weblink.user.*, webtd.user.*

Sometimes there is a need to implement custom variables. You can define custom variables for the object of webpage, module and link. To do this simply write:

webpage.user.N.surfer.label = "Surfer ID"

this definition means that webpages of type N will have additional parameter surfer and will be available as {page.surfer}

If you want a parameter to be available in all kinds of webpage, use * for N.

If you want your user not to be able to input custom values, rather select one of predefined use:

webpage.user.N.surfer.values = "black|white|red"

There is also posibility to define a checkbox by writing

webpage.user.N.for_surfers.values = "0|1"